Gas Based Flooding Systems

Certified FM200,NOVEC,INERGEN and CO2 Flooding systems

Data loss and downtime are two of the most costly problems that can affect a business. A fire in a computer centre, transformer room or some other critical area can have enormous consequences and result in long periods of downtime. Therefore, in many cases these rooms are protected with automatic gas extinguishing systems.

Systems working on a total flooding principle apply an extinguishing agent to a three dimensional enclosed space in order to achieve a concentration of the agent (volume percent of the agent in air) adequate to extinguish the fire. These types of systems may be operated automatically by detection and related controls or manually by the operation of a system actuator.

The most important thing to note is:

Systems working on a local application principle apply an extinguishing agent directly onto a fire (usually a two dimensional area). The main difference in local application from total flooding design is the absence of physical barriers enclosing the fire space.

Manual intervention can be done anytime from the fire panel to manually activate System instantly or abort the activation of System at any time before the releasing signal is passed from the panel to device.

The detection is done by means of two external sensors (cross-zoning) which are based on smoke/ heat/ IR etc. detection mechanisms. On detecting the fire, first sensor will send across a signal to the fire panel thereby activating a siren. When the second sensor detects the smoke/ heat, it will also send a signal to the Fire panel.

A count-down timer starts which can be pre-set up to a maximum of 120 seconds. After the timer is completed, the Fire panel sends across an electrical voltage of 12/24 Volts along with a current of 1.2 Amps to activate the solenoid valve.

On receiving this voltage and current, the valve will trigger resulting in triggering the master valve of cylinder which will activate the system and the extinguishing medium shall be released through nozzles after passing through the pipeline grid and flooding the complete volume of the enclosure to be protected and hence extinguishing the fire.

Types Of Gas Based Flooding Systems Provided:

1. Aerosol Based Flooding Systems

2. FM200 Fire suppression System

FM 200 is a waterless fire suppression system that can be used as an alternative to Halon 1301. FM 200 also provides an environmentally safe, non-toxic product that requires no clean-up, and can be used in rooms that have anything from computer servers to art and history collections.

An FM-200 system can provide an effective fire extinguishing medium with modular hardware that requires minimal space for installation and a most effective means of fire suppression.

Operation can be done automatically or manually. Gas discharged from master cylinder will actuate the slave cylinders. Then the gas is routed through the pipe network and discharge through nozzle into the protected compartment.

3. CO2 Fire suppression System

CO2 systems are the preferred choice as an extinguishant for a multitude of critical facilities. Fast, efficient and adaptable to a wide range of hazards, the discharge of carbon dioxide [a low-cost clean agent] is non-damaging to property and electrically non-conductive. Multi-Hazard Protection can be designed to provide automatic, simultaneous discharge for a variety of hazards and configurations.

Operation can be done automatically or manually. Gas discharged from master cylinder will actuate the slave cylinders. Then the gas is routed through the pipe network and discharge through nozzle into the protected compartment.

4. INERGEN Fire suppression System

INERGEN systems use to protect enclosed areas where there is a need for quick reaction to a fire, where people may be present, where fire may strike day or night, and where damage from conventional agents cannot be tolerated.

ZERO ozone depletion potential, ZERO global warming potential, and ZERO atmospheric lifetime.

Operation can be done automatically or manually. Gas discharged from master cylinder will actuate the slave cylinders. Then the gas is routed through the pipe network and discharge through nozzle into the protected compartment.